“Overwatch” expands narrative by adding new hero

Ashe, a sharp-shooting cowgirl, is the 29th hero added to the “Overwatch” roster. Photo courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment. Last week, Blizzard Entertainment’s popular video game “Overwatch” introduced its 29th playable character, a wild west outlaw named Ashe, with…

App spotlight: Co-Star

It’s far from hyperbolic to say that for thousands of years humans have been fascinated with the celestial bodies. Tracking the journeys of the stars and planets is a tradition that stretches further back than most…

Former UM student makes directing debut

Up and coming director Luis Abe Jimenez poses on a Birmingham rooftop. Photo by Jaysen Michael On Oct. 20, former UM student and local independent film director Luis Abe Jimenez made his debut with his feature horror…

Communication professors work toward community change

The SDCP has been active in moderating and facilitating deliberative community forums in Montevallo, such as those for the Non-Discrimination Ordinance (NDO). Pictured above is the town hall meeting where the NDO was passed. Photo…

Scientists discover real-life planet Vulcan

Last week, the discovery of a new exoplanet orbiting the star HD26965, also known as 40 Eridani A, made headlines for a pretty unusual reason—the planet’s mention in “Star Trek” as Spock’s home planet, Vulcan.   Unlike some…

Award-winning journalist visits UM

Bunch graduated from UM in 1985. Photo courtesy of Joey Bunch On Thursday, Sept. 27, University of Montevallo alumnus and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Joey Bunch gave a lecture in Strong Hall. Bunch has worked an impressive 32 years as a writer and was eager…