Bastille Wild World

Review: “Wild World”

Photo courtesy of Rolling Stone. They’re back. Three long years following the release of their first studio album, “Bad Blood,” Bastille has returned with their second: “Wild World.” It’s safe to say, though, that this…

Faith Luna

Wandering West: A Culture Shock

Luna and her father toured the cliff dwellings on a visit to Mesa Verde National Park. Photo courtesy of Faith Luna. This year, junior Faith Luna will be attending Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo.…

Review: “Mind of Mine”

On March 25, 2015, hearts around the world were broken when Zayn Malik announced that he was leaving popular boy band One Direction. However, exactly one year following his departure, Malik set out to mend…

Spotify Playlist: Throwback Thursday

Listen here. “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” - Green Day This song is everything you need it to be. A pick me up, a break up song or even a commencement song, “Good Riddance...”…

Review: The Choice

When I hear the name Nicholas Sparks, images of tear-jerking, ovary-exploding will-he-get-the-girl love scenes flash across my mind. For years, Sparks has made a household name for himself when it comes to romance and, well,…

UM student set to present research at Kami-Con

Zac Clifton utilized a variety of manga and research books in his paper. Photos by Danielle Stallworth for The Alabamian. For Zac Clifton, a senior majoring in English, what began as a school assignment has…

Spotify Playlist- L’Amour

Listen here. “My Cherie Amour” - Stevie Wonder An oldie, but a goodie, Wonder piles all the warm and fuzzy feelings of a new crush into this track. From first glances and realizations of feelings to…