Senior holds robe in front of Palmer Hall

UM celebrates 119th Founders’ Day

Current University seniors will have the chance to don their graduation robes for the first time at the 119th Founders' Day Ceremony. Photo by Donnie Bennet for The Alabamian. A large group of students sits…

UM police chief talks police brutality, all lives…

For many police officers, an already dangerous job feels even more threatening. The aftermath of the 2014 Ferguson shootings and the subsequent Black Lives Matter movement lead to some protesters chanting for the murder of…

Local author signs latest books

Members of the Montevallo community ordered milkshakes and gathered around tables at Eclipse Coffee & Books last Wednesday September 16 to hear local author and former UM professor Bill Cobb read from his latest book.…

App happy: Five must-have apps for students

The only appropriate emoji for expressing how much you'll love these applications. Photo by Kagetsuki/Phantom Open Emoji/GitHub. For students on the go, scrolling through the app store on our phones can be tedious and overwhelming.…

College Cuisine: Microwaved Cinnamon Apples

Start to finish: 5 minutes Servings: 1 1 apple 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 pinch nutmeg 1 tablespoon butter, diced small Microwave Preparation: With a paring knife, cut and core apple. Dice…

Kingdom of Ice-olation

The Sólfar, or Sun Voyager, statue in Reykjavik Harbor. What do you call a polar bear in Iceland? Very lost. (Because—sorry to disappoint all those who were banking on me wrestling one—there are no polar…