By Ashlee Hall, Lifestyles editor On a small patch of land just off campus sits the University of Montevallo’s Organic Community Garden. The garden is self funded through plant sales hosted by UM’s Environmental Club. …
English department opens Walden Studio for “quiet reflection…
By Samantha Cost The opening ceremony for the Walden Studio, inspired by the naturalistic Thoreau Cabin and part of Founder’s Day, occurred at the university lake on Oct. 14. Starting on Oct. 15, the keys to the…
SGA swear in new members
By: Jacob Gross Both of the past SGA meetings were short, featuring mostly announcements and discussions around WOW weekends. Who’s Who applications are now closed. Jacob Heath, vice president of SGA, said that the blood drive with LifeSouth…
Faculty Senate Discusses Faculty Salaries, Golf Course Plans,…
By: Wesley Walter Montevallo’s faculty members discussed adjustments to faculty salaries at the Oct. 8 Faculty Senate meeting. University president Dr. John Stewart III’s current goal is to get faculty salaries to 95% of the most recent College and University…
Two New SGA Senators Sworn In
By: Jacob Gross The past two SGA meetings were relatively quiet, and featured two new senators being sworn in, senator committee reports and discussions centered around problems with student workers. A few resolutions were in the process of being…
Information about the campus climate survey
By: Samantha Cost On Sept. 27, Montevallo students received an email from Tony Miller Jr., Director of Student Conduct and Title IX Coordinator, about a Campus Climate Survey being administered by the university. In the email, Miller explained that “The…
Astronomy Club meets for the first time since…
By Wesley Walter Montevallo’s Astronomy Club held its first meeting since March of 2020 on Wednesday, Sept. 22. The meeting lasted from 7-9:30 p.m. and featured views of the night sky from the university’s James Wylie Shepherd…
Faculty discusses higher rates for student workers’ pay
By Jacob Gross Issues with student worker shortages became a topic of discussion at the Sept. 10 Faculty Senate meeting. They discussed that students were applying for off-campus jobs that paid better and were considering whether…