City Council in gold letters on purple background

City Council’s confusion frustrates citizens

by Cady Inabinett  Confusion saturated discussions at the Montevallo City Council meeting on June 14, with council members appearing ill-prepared for several of the topics discussed and citizens expressing their dismay with the events of the meeting.  …

City Council in gold letters on purple background

City Council approves storm shelter

By Cady Inabinett  Montevallo citizens will have new places to take shelter during severe storms, as the City Council approved the construction of two new storm shelters at their meeting on May 24.  The council accepted a…

SGA Recap

SGA calls for representation in commencement ceremony

By Bell Jackson The Student Government Association met on April 14 to discuss the possibility of adding a new committee.  SGA Vice President Natalie Seavers, Senior Class President Solomon Balaam-Reed and Administrative Vice President Caitlin Blackburn drafted…

Alabama Congress looks to ban vaccine passports

By Xander Swain As vaccines become increasingly available, and every adult being eligible as of April 19, the discussion of the pandemic has shifted towards “vaccine passports.”   Plans for vaccine passports have been spreading around the globe…