Communication professors work toward community change

The SDCP has been active in moderating and facilitating deliberative community forums in Montevallo, such as those for the Non-Discrimination Ordinance (NDO). Pictured above is the town hall meeting where the NDO was passed. Photo…

UM mascot makes novel debut

Kira Thomas, director of University Relations, poses for a selfie with UM's mascot, Freddie the Falcon. Photo by Katie Compton Freddie the Falcon flew into the college Barnes and Noble on Thursday, Oct.11, to promote…

Beringer wins over Palmer passengers at Life Raft…

Beringer hoists the life raft ore above his head in celebration of his victory. Photo by Katie Compton Imagine a nuclear catastrophe has occurred, and life as we know it has been changed for good. The Earth…

Scientists discover real-life planet Vulcan

Last week, the discovery of a new exoplanet orbiting the star HD26965, also known as 40 Eridani A, made headlines for a pretty unusual reason—the planet’s mention in “Star Trek” as Spock’s home planet, Vulcan.   Unlike some…

SSA sheds light on banned books

UM student Katy Barnes reads from popular banned book "Thirteen Reasons Why." Photo by Ariel Hall If you ever had to read a book in school, then you’ve probably read a challenged or banned book…

Award-winning journalist visits UM

Bunch graduated from UM in 1985. Photo courtesy of Joey Bunch On Thursday, Sept. 27, University of Montevallo alumnus and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Joey Bunch gave a lecture in Strong Hall. Bunch has worked an impressive 32 years as a writer and was eager…

URGE leads abortion positive tour

Student representatives and regional coordinators pose with pro-choice props outside Farmer Hall. Photo by Donovan Cleckley On Sept. 20, the University of Montevallo Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity (URGE) chapter hosted an Abortion Positive Tour to raise awareness…