Jingle bells too close for comfort

Holidays are a time to celebrate and be with friends and family. It is traditional to have Halloween in October and Christmas in December, but what happens when preparations for these holidays overlap? Read More

Observations on organic

There is an increasing focus on incorporating healthier ingredients into the foods we eat. Several different branches of this movement exist, with free range, cage free and non-genetically modified foods gaining shelf space in modern…

50 years forward, where are we now?

“We shall overcome…we shall overcome someday…” These simple lyrics that originated in the hymns of hopeful slaves made their way to the pews of Southern black churches and, over time, became one of the most…

The real reason Generation Y is unhappy

Lately, a Huffington Post article has been making the rounds on Facebook newsfeeds. The piece, titled “Why Generation Y Yuppies are Unhappy,” argues that Generation Y, those born between the 1970s and 1990s, are unhappy…

A literally apocalyptic problem

There has been quite a furor in the English-loving community over the course of the past few months. In fact, one might say that it has people literally about to explode. Of course, no one…