Columns and editorials:
The opinions of The Alabamian staff are expressed in the opinion section only.
All columns, letters and opinion articles express the viewpoints of their individual authors and not The Alabamian as a whole.
The opinions expressed in The Alabamian do not necessarily represent the opinions of the student body, faculty, staff or Board of Trustees.
Letters to the editor:
The Alabamian takes letters from any source, including those not associated with the University.
Letters should be submitted on Friday before 5 p.m. in order to make it into The Alabamian’s online or print publication for the following week.
Letters should be a maximum of 500 words and may be edited for grammar, length and style. Letters will not be edited for content without the author’s permission. All letters should include the applicant’s name, occupation, major (if student) and address.
The Alabamian will publish most submissions from students, faculty or staff, but final decisions are up to the editor-in-chief. Letters submitted from those not affiliated with the University should expect higher scrutiny and will only be published if they are particularly relevant to the community or a current issue. The Alabamian reserves the right not to publish any letter.
To submit a letter, email The Alabamian at Letters should have “Letter to the editor” in the subject line.
Please send the the letter as a word document. Any information that you do not wish to be part of the letter itself, such as reasons why you believe the letter to be relevant, should be included in the body of the email, not the letter itself.