/Ranking the ghosts of UM

Ranking the ghosts of UM

By Meg Wallace, News Editor

With Halloween right around the corner, I am reminded of the many ghosts that haunt the University of Montevallo. Whether or not you believe them to be true, knowing the history can help get you into the holiday “spirit.” I thought it would be fun to rank the ghosts based on who I would most like to spend the afterlife with. 

UM’s oldest ghost can be found in Reynolds Hall. This at one time was a hospital for Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. Captain Henry Reynolds oversaw the hospital. Long story short, he left the hospital and when he came back it had been attacked and all of the soldiers were dead. It has since been revealed that this was probably just a rumor that was created by a student, making this story even more boring. 

It is said that Reynolds’ spirit watches over the building because he feels guilty for what happened. People have reported seeing his portrait move around the hall without being touched. I have chosen to put Captain Henry Reynolds last because of the whole Confederate thing. I just can’t move past it, Henry, we have nothing in common. Also, moving a portrait is lame.  

Edmund King is also from the Civil War timeframe. Apparently, he buried gold in his orchard to hide it from the Union soldiers. He died before the war was over. People have reported seeing him at night around King House, holding a lantern and a shovel and just walking around. They assume he is looking for his gold. This is at least slightly more interesting in that people have seen a person and he’s also holding a shovel. Although the shovel isn’t used for anything spooky, he’s just looking for gold, so that’s a demerit. I would say he’s slightly above Reynolds, but we still have the Confederate factor so I’m keeping him lower on the ranking. 

Then we have Dr. William Trumbauer who is said to haunt Palmer Hall. He’s described as a goofy guy. He’s jealous that the building isn’t named after him so he’s just a little prankster now. He hangs out in the auditorium because he’s a theatre nerd. As someone who has worked in multiple haunted theatres, there’s something spooky about an auditorium when all the lights are off and no one’s there. I respect this choice; the ambience is perfect for a ghost. He supposedly sways banners of Purple or Gold Side depending on who he thinks should win College Night. I love the idea of being judgmental and petty even after death, and that’s kind of his whole thing. I think we’d get along pretty well other than the stark age gap. That’s why he ranks second for me. 

Everyone is obsessed with Condie Cunningham. It’s always Condie this, Condie that, look at her face in the door, exedra. It is always portrayed as this lighthearted goofy thing. The Condie story is terrifying, and I feel like everyone brushes over that. She caught fire in her dorm room from fudge or hot chocolate or whatever she was making.  

Imagine you’re making a sweet treat, and that treat kills you. She literally chose the trick in trick or treat. I know she died in the hospital a few days later, but it has to be depressing to have your last living moments take place in a dorm room.  

And then you’re said to be haunting the dorm for like a hundred years later when you didn’t even die there, so I think it’s not even technically possible. I think that’s the definition of being defined by where you went to college. 

I guess when it comes to ranking, I’d have to say it depends on the treat she was making. Fudge is too sweet for me, so that would be a lower ranking. If she was making hot chocolate, I think we would get along better. Out of our choices, I guess I’m like everyone else. Condie is my number one pick for the afterlife. Now who is yours? 

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